Beauty Mark……

Where do you find beauty in the world?  Is it watching nature?  Witnessing your fellow man do kind things?


There’s much beauty in the world – if we but open our eyes to view it.  That lone dandelion in your garden is also a flower, if you can see it as something other than a ‘weed.’

Simple things we take for granted, like the sound of a bird chirping, the actual sound of silence, an owl hooting in the distance.  It’s everywhere, but most of the time, we just register it as mundane…or worse, don’t register it at all.

If we open our senses, we’ll realize beauty surrounds us…in the form of smell, taste, sound…all of our senses.

I invite you to expand your experience to include all of this and see how much better your world becomes.  It’s no longer so narrow, but vast in its pleasures…be they simple or profound.

Negative Nelly………

Is it healthy to watch news?  To scour your Facebook newsfeed & peruse all the negativity out there?  I say no.  I say…I’ve chosen only to look at the positive & inspiring things.  There may be less of them, but if you look, you’ll find them.

“Ignorance is bliss” … there’s something to be said for this.  There’s already enough sadness in the world.  Give yourself a test…do this for a week, or even a day, and see how much lighter you feel.  You’ll notice a difference in your outlook and general well-beingYou may even thank me 🙂

Face Off…..

Remove the mask!  Allow yourself to really be seen…to be vulnerable.  I’ve reached the age where I’m past worrying about what people think…well, maybe I still carry that insecurity around a little, but with age comes a lack of concern.  I no longer have to worry about ‘fitting in with the right crowd’ or conforming my opinions to match those around me.

If you find yourself doing this, it means you’re not comfortable enough in your own skin.  You’re not confident enough that YOU ARE ENOUGH.  If someone  chooses to dislike you for being yourself, they’re not worth another breath.

Don’t be consumed with self-doubt.  Listen to uplifting books that focus on self-esteem.   Surround yourself with individuals that accept you as you are.  In the end, life is way too short…don’t waste another second of it…



“Serenity Now!”

I’ve reached a time in my life where I crave peace & serenity…I savor it when it washes over me…the silence & stillness of nature as I leave my house for work.  The rare time when there are no passing cars and all I can hear are birds chirping.

I’m not sure if it’s my age or just maturity & self-awareness, but it’s become very important to me, and I cherish it when it visits.  That one hour at lunchtime serves to replenish me and decompress.  I can close my eyes and hear the distant sounds of highway traffic nearby…they mesh into a fine white background noise.

I usually always listen to an audiobook that nurtures my soul…exclusively self-help books that soothe me as well as motivate me to maintain a modicum of peace and sanity.  Hang onto these moments, for it’s what life is all about…keeping your balance, your sense of self, your peace.

It’s all about peace for me…tranquility…solace…being alone with my thoughts, allowing them to bloom with possibility…

Stick It!!

Stick them everywhere!  Post-it notes that can remind you just how wonderful you are!  Any self-improvement you’re working on, stick it on a post-it and place it where you’ll see it…be it on your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator, your dishwasher!

I’ve written about affirmations before and how they can help.

Whatever it takes to keep your mind engaged.  Affirmations or quotes that hit your fancy and strike a chord with you.  These can all serve to embed your brain with positivity.  The less negativity you dwell on, the more room it leaves for good.




What Does “Home” Mean to YOU?


My home is my haven, my sanctuary from the crazy outside world.  It comforts me.  It enriches me.  It nourishes my soul.  This is how it should be.   I breathe a sigh of relief once I enter my driveway….ahhhh…home sweet home.  There are so many things that can’t touch me now.  I’m safe…I’m whole again.

It’s all about re-charging the mental & emotional batteries.  Letting our guard down…being ourselves.

If home is not your retreat, you must do your best to make it so.  Spruce it up with things that please you, whether it’s placing candles everywhere or surrounding yourself with loving pets.   It’s meant to be a place of total contentment.

We all need a place to seek solace from the harsh realities of the world.  Let your home be one of them.



Growth Opportunity

Every minute gives us an opportunity for growth…every decision, big or small, can bring us closer to the life we want to lead.  Do we want to remain small or spread our wings and expand?

Make a mistake?  Learn from it and move on.  There’s no reason to continue patterns that don’t serve us.  If it doesn’t enhance your life, simply dust it off and go forward.

It’s when we choose to stay stuck in our issues & plights that we’re doomed to continue there – wading around in quicksand, hoping someone will rescue us.

The big news is this…no one can rescue us from ourselves.  Our minds need to be reset and rewired.  If we want to change, grow, and flourish, we must reach deep into that well and muster the courage to say we will no longer tolerate it.

Today, do something to step out of your comfort zone & circular patterns.  The tiniest of steps can bring about the greatest results.

The Collector……

I love collecting quotes.  They serve as subtle reminders when we need a little nudge.  They can inspire us if we’re having a ho-hum day.  They can lift our spirits if we need a lift.  They can even make us laugh.

This is why I share them.  Once in a while, it’s nice to come across something positive in your day.  Our social media feeds (and tv) are so filled with sadness & hostility that it’s nice to come across just one sentence that may brighten your day.

As I’ve said before, the more we can focus on positive things, the more of them we’ll continue to see.  Why flood your brain with negativity when the best thing for your well being is the very opposite?

Continue reading “The Collector……”