“Unnecessary Roughness”

Animal cruelty…UNACCEPTABLE.  Full stop…I typically try to avoid this subject, because of the deep-seated anger it makes me feel.  I can’t even watch that commercial where they play Sarah McLachlan’s song.

I’ve had dogs all my life, and there is NO greater love that you can experience.  Unconditional…end of story!   Being at the door whenever you come home, so excited to greet you…even if you’ve only been gone for a minute.

Growing up, my little dog, Shanna, got me through a lot of turmoil.  She was my best friend — letting my wet tears sink into her fur after another unsettling encounter with a parent…listening to me and my woes.  I’m forever thankful I had her in my life to get me through.

We need stricter laws in this country.  It’s not enough to get a slap on the wrist and pay a fine.  It’s not enough to do community service.   These animals are as helpless as children, so the punishment should fit this crime. 

It seems that other countries have gotten ‘with it,’ and tightened their laws to include up to 3 years in prison (see link below).  We need to enforce this HERE.  We’re supposed to be the best country in the world, yet we treat our animals as possessions, which isn’t nearly enough.  It’s time to band together and be the voice for the voiceless!



Walk Like A…..Rooster

Or should I say strut?  Push back those shoulders, hold your head high, and strut your stuff!  One day, when no one is looking, sway your shoulders from front to back & take a few steps. Be playful…maybe flap your arms like a chicken.

How do you feel?  More confident?  A bit silly?  Even if it brings a smile to your face, the gesture has served its purpose.  We need to invite more playfulness to our lives.

Most of the time, we’re bogged down in the minutia of life and letting it drag us down.  Stand in your greatness.  Be counted!  Allow yourself to just BE





What Are You Waiting For……?

Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn or do? Go hiking in the Swiss Alps…write a book…learn another language? What’s holding you back? What excuses do you give to NOT do it?

How about deciding that you’ll take one tiny step toward that dream? Download a free app to learn French…write a few paragraphs or outline for a book…stash away $20 in a Swiss Alps jar. Once you take that little step, it tells your mind you’re open to the possibility, and you gain momentum.

Click Here to Continue

The Dark Side….

I’m quick to anger.  I lack patience.  There’s my dark side.  I’ve gotten better with driving – not getting so worked up if someone goes too slow or cuts me off.  We all have a dark side, and we should all work on it for our own well-being as well as those around us.

The only way to bring them out into the light is to acknowledge them.  Once you’re more self-aware, you can catch yourself when that side wants to burst out.

Full disclosure…I haven’t quite mastered this skill.  I can get annoyed if I drop a pen.  It could be pent-up rage from childhood coming out, I don’t know.  I’ve been in therapy for years, and I’ve improved many things in my life, but I can’t shake this one.

What are YOUR methods of conquering your demons?  I wonder if going into a room by myself & screaming into a pillow might help…..

Stay tuned

Ties Cut

I cut myself off
From father & mother
Where does that leave
My poor baby brother?

He’s now in the middle –
A bad place to be
I was once there –
And it was on me

Things are complex
Not so cut and dry
Do I reach out again?
Do I give it a try?

It affects my family
So how do they cope
When there is no light
And there is no hope

Continue reading “Ties Cut”

Reasonable Doubt

Is it reasonable to doubt you can fly?  Well yes, unless you suddenly sprout wings, but why should you doubt you can soar to new heights if you’re gifted & talented in a certain area?

We all have doubts – it’s part of the human psyche – but we shouldn’t let it hold us back from doing something.  I’ve always felt I was born to write – yet I still harbor doubts and stopped writing for about 4 years.  Did I let it stop me from expressing myself with pen & paper?  No.  The desire to put myself out here has become too strong to ignore.


Continue reading “Reasonable Doubt”

Beyond the Wall

Beyond the wall
She’s built so high
Is a woman who feels
And yes, she does cry

She appears so strong
As she holds him at bay
But she’s really thinking
“I hope he will stay”

She can’t let him in
Although he does try
She’d be too exposed –
My God, she would die!

For in her head,
That Voice drones on –
Saying over and over
“One day he’ll be Gone”

Then where would she be
With her heart on the floor
Rejected and hurt
And alone once more

“Don’t let down your guard!”
It screams and it shouts
As the other voice struggles
“Stop having these doubts!”

So they fight Inside her
Day after day
Each of them sometimes
Getting their way

She wants so badly
To let go and feel
All the magic and joy
Of a love that is real

But she’s only a Pawn –
The one who hides
In the corner away
From these battling sides

She is weak and frail
So the others must stay
In order to keep
All that Pain locked away

Beyond the wall
Is a garden of fear
Where they all reside
So comfortably here

First there is Anger –
The one who Explodes
At the drop of a hat
As her inside erodes

Next there is Need –
With a hole in its soul
That can never be filled
Though that is her goal

Then there’s Control –
Who must have the power
She’s strong and stubborn
So she guards the Tower

For once she was helpless
It can’t happen again
Now she’s in control
And determines just when

Sadist dwells here
Along with the Rest
She’s vindictive and cold
When she’s at her best

She must punish others
Like she used to be
Make Them all feel Hurt
Maybe then they will see

Self-Hate is present
To remind her she’s dirt
To perpetuate the pattern
And continue the Hurt

So that’s just a taste
Of what does occur
Beyond that great wall –
They’re all part of Her