You Can’t Handle the Truth Shall Set You Free

Are you standing in your truth?  Do you feel comfortable in your own skin?  Are you true to who you are?  This isn’t as easy at it seems.

We all wear masks.  We may lower the veil for a select few, but that’s not standing in who we are.

My husband is a rare breed.  He is who he is.  He doesn’t alter his personality according to those around him.  Most of us can’t do that.  We’re too worried about what people may think.  Will they no longer like us if we differ in opinion?  Will they judge us if we don’t agree?

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The Good (Not-So) Old Days…..

It’s official…I’ve become my parents & grandparents…pining for the ‘old days,’ when things seemed much more innocent and carefree.  When kids could ride their bikes around the neighborhood without fear of being snatched by a stranger…when ‘big brother’ wasn’t watching our every move…when tv shows didn’t require gratuitous sex, violence, and cursing to get a message across.  By no means am I a prude…in fact, I do a lot of cursing myself…probably too much, in fact.

I’m 52, and it makes me shudder to think that the 80’s were actually three DECADES ago!  My husband and I will watch tv shows or movies from ‘back then,’ and gasp when we realize how long ago that was when it feels like the blink of an eye.  In many ways, it sucks getting old, but the one thing age brings is wisdom.  It’s something we’d scoff at when we were younger.

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Life Support……..

Do you have someone who supports your every mood, emotion, and direction in life?  Cling to them like saran wrap!  They are your lifeline – by your side no matter what, and hard to come by.

If you’re lucky enough to have this, it’s a huge bonus in life, and important to your personal growth.  Not that we should rely on others to make us feel good, but it certainly helps.

To have the freedom to be your true self & still be loved and accepted (flaws and all!) is a wonderful way to live.  Whether it’s a spouse, sibling, friend – cherish that relationship.  Nurture it with care.

Even if it’s a friend on Facebook that you’ve never met in person, these can be strong bonds as well.  If you’re having a rough time, it’s crucial that you REACH OUT.  A shoulder to lean on can be a huge comfort.  Let it guide you through a stormy sea of turbulence.

The Comfort Zone

Ahhh it’s so cozy here…familiar…safe.  Not taking chances has its benefits…no surprises…but the downside is the lack of growth as a result.  You won’t  experience the exhilaration that takes over once you’ve done something you’ve never tried before.

For years, I lived in the safety of the shadows.  I decided to teach myself how to speak Spanish.   I got to a point where I could understand it, read it, write it, but to speak it with someone filled me with fright…what if I made a mistake? I joined an online conversation exchange that put me in touch with native speakers who could help me via skype…I froze in place  It took me a while to just jump & do it… once I did, I felt at ease.  The more I did it, the more comfortable I felt, and my new friends were totally understanding and helpful!

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Law of Attraction Faction….

It’s all around us.  Have you ever noticed that when things go bad, they go REALLY bad?   It’s all about energy…you get back what you put out.  Law of Attraction is that simple.  Our thoughts are everything.

Once you realize this, the world opens up to you in amazing ways.   Gratitude is key…the more you focus on things you’re grateful for, the universe will bring you more things to be grateful for.  I made a video on my Facebook page where I gave an example of how this worked for me when I discovered this.  It takes work in the beginning…to constantly look for such things, especially if you’re going through a rough patch.

There are always ways to show gratitude…simple ones…the fresh smell of my husband’s t-shirts every time I take them out of the dryer…the chipmunks that come onto my deck to eat birdseed…that $10 bill I find in a pocket…a smile from a stranger…not catching every light on my commute home from work..the list can go on and on & continue to grow.

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(Dis)enchanted Forest….

Self-improvement journeys are not for the faint of heart.  It takes courage, persistence, and determination to work through.  Sometimes that forest can be so full of thick trees & dense fog before the thinnest of mist rises to show us any progress.

At times, we’re ready to throw up our hands in defeat, but that will only accomplish further dissatisfaction.  At least it does for me.  When I find myself losing faith, it dawns on me – would I rather lose my struggle for further development?  Or forge ahead & work through the issues, knowing there is a horizon in the distance?  Once you’re fully awakened to the stark difference of finding clarity and peace, why would you want to remain in the murky depths of old habits that keep you on that hamster wheel of pain and resentment?

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The Gooey Center

The best part of any treat is the gooey center…that holds true for YOU as well.  But we don’t always show the world that part of us…why?  Most of us are afraid of being vulnerable.

I’m here to tell you that these days, more and more folks are very accepting of authenticity and being genuine.   I’d much rather follow someone who’s real than someone who dons a mask of false promises while not living by their own teachings.

People have flaws and weaknesses.  Would you prefer to know a person who keeps it real?  Stumbles & recovers?  Or a person who claims they have it all together and never makes a mistake?  That’s someone I can’t relate to.

Along my journey of self-reflection & searching for people I can believe in, I find myself more drawn to those I connect with on a human level.  They’re not gods and don’t pretend to be my salvation.  They work from a place of wanting to help others as they help themselves in their own quest.

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“Behind the Curtain”……..

Behind the curtain
Her heart is safe there
From all of the pain
She just cannot bear

Another rejection
Will break it in two
Then he comes along
And he wants to know who

Who broke your heart
And how can I win
That spirit you have
Buried deep within

“I love you as is”
And he thinks he knows
But the fear deep inside –
It continues & grows

You can’t let him in
You just won’t survive
You can’t overcome
It won’t let you thrive

But he keeps supporting
Even though you push back –
It wants him to go
It wants him to pack

Every day he’s still here
And she doesn’t know why
Should she open her heart?
Should she give it a try?

With each passing day
The curtain is cracked
Just a tiny bit more
Till she stops holding back

Then the day comes
When she opens her eyes
And it suddenly dawns
That she’s won the prize

The curtain has gone
Her heart is secure
For she’s found a love
So completely pure