The Power of Now It Begins…

“The Power of Now” … A common phrase these days.  It’s profound in its simplicity.  The only true ‘present’ is NOW.   There’s no true past or future.  The moment is now. 

Check your breathing…this sounds ridiculous, but are you breathing?  In the few seconds it took you to ‘check,’ you were effectively meditating.  Your thoughts stopped for a brief moment, and you were In The Now. 

It’s all you have…it’s all we have.  And the more you can stay in the Now, the better you’ll feel.    Lots of folks picture meditation as some strange person sitting with their legs crossed and hands joined in front of them, wearing flowy robes…not so anymore. 

If you can check in on your breathing throughout the day, it will bring you to a higher plane — your ‘higher self,’ if you will.  Your mind feels clearer, and your body is energized & engaged.  It’s a benefit not only to your soul, but your overall health….the mind-body connection.

Try it!  Let me know!



“The Unknown”

Fear of success?
“How silly” they say
“You got what you want”
“You’re on your way”

On my way to where?
I can’t really see
What’s up ahead?
What’s the plan for me?

I wanted to write –
Now I bear my soul
Am I trying to fix
That unfillable hole?

Come journey with me
As we walk together —
Hand in hand
Through the stormiest of weather

Perhaps we can heal
By sharing our pain
I’m sure it will fog,
And I’m sure it will rain

But just over there
On the other side
Is a feeling of joy
And a knowing of pride

So please reach out
And join me through this
It’s a sight to behold,
And one not to misshand in hand

Affirm Your Stance

Affirmations are good for the soul.  It’s basically a daily dose of caring for yourself in the easiest of ways.  There are thousands out there, which you can skim through & find what speaks to you…what do you think would apply?  Does it make sense for you?

If not, move onto the next one…hunt & gather.  The concept is simple-the more you read them daily, the more your mind will believe it, and it will reflect in your outside world. 

For instance, several of mine are “I choose inner peace.”  “I’m the creator of my own reality,” “I choose to be grateful.”  I work on these aspects every day, but reminding myself acts as reinforcement.  

It may seem corny, but it works.  You’ll begin to believe the affirmation, and once you believe it, you’ll see it.  You’ll see your life in a different way – usually for the better…and that’s something worth trying  ♥♥



Paint A Picture

Use your imagination…we all have it.

Can you picture yourself on a desolate beach?  You’re all alone.  Close your eyes.  The only thing you can hear are the waves of the ocean…the tide rolling in and out rhythmically.   The sound is soothing….

Now picture yourself in a field of tulips.  You’re lying down, staring up at the heavens.   Clouds are white and puffy, the sky is periwinkle blue…no sign of rain.  Take a deep breath & inhale the scent of the flowers.   Spread your hands out and feel the velvety petals of the tulips….

I’m betting you were able to picture yourself in both those scenarios…if I could paint a picture for you, you can do the same for yourself.  Take a few minutes each day, to close your eyes & place yourself in a pleasing spot…somewhere that makes your heart sing!

Fight Club

Are you ready to rumble?  Ready to toil away in that muck & mire called family drama?  We all have some form of it.  We all look for ways to deal with it.

What’s your method?  Do you go to your corner & call a time out?  Thereby avoiding it altogether?  Or do you glove up & charge in for a few rounds?

I grew up being used to drama & chaos.  Unfortunately, that lead me to relationship sabotage, where I sought drama in my life.  Because I was so used to it, I didn’t feel alive without fighting.

I finally found a man that ‘tamed’ me to a degree.  He didn’t run from a fight or from my drama.  He nurtured me like a baby seedling, enabling me to grow and flourish.

Unfortunately, he still had to deal with my family…where drama continues to swirl.  Most recently, I’ve had to step out of that drama, thereby removing my gloves and heading toward my corner.

It’s safe in my corner… I know it’s a drastic move to take, but fully necessary for my own sanity.  I have too much work to do on myself to be taking on extra burdens.  I’ve carried them for far too long.

This is my choice, and it’s a difficult one, but something I need to do.  At some point in life, you look at what you’d like the rest of it to be, and for now, I’m choosing peace.


Truth or Fiction?

I’ve always been a writer, but I thought I’d be a mystery fiction novelist...been there (sort of-I have many unfinished books)…...done that (sort of-when edits came back, I let them overwhelm me)…

I’m coming to realize I may be better at pondering real life & not so much the fiction…life is full of rich subjects ripe for the picking, and there are so many online communities out there that are willing to take a journey with me.

We’re all working on improving our lives, if not in big ways, at least in small ones.   Thanks for taking this trip with me & sharing with me…in doing so, we help each other, and that can only be a good thing


Groundhog Day

Feeling like a hamster on a wheel?  Like your mind keeps grinding out the same movie in your head, on one continuous loop?  You’re stuck in a pattern that’s stressing you out.

When I get into a funk, I start focusing more on all that I’m grateful for…be it a loving husband, my dog, or the random bird soaring above me in the sky.  Putting our attention on more positive things will give us a boost.  Even if it only lasts a few minutes, at least you’ve interrupted that film.  It’s like changing the TV channel.  If you don’t like what you see, and it’s bringing you down, then it’s preventing you from feeling just the tiniest bit better.

The object is to take baby steps…don’t try to convince yourself that everything in your world is great, because that won’t work, and you’ll find yourself descending into an even darker pit. 

Think of something (or someone) that brings an instant smile to your face…now focus on that for 10 seconds…maybe even longer if you can…how does it make you feel?  Has your face softened?  Has your heart lightened a bit? 

Allow that feeling to wash over you and take with it the dark cloud of heaviness weighing you down.  Then you can focus better on a solution to whatever it was that had you on the never-ending treadmill to begin with…or maybe it’s not a solution you need, but a burden to be lifted…if you can let it go –in increments– then try it.  You may find that the more time you spend (literally) smelling the roses in the garden around you, the more your shoulders will lift and take you to that next destination of relief.


Peace Be With You….

What brings you peace?  Is it watching a sunrise?   A sunset?  Hearing gentle waves of a stream or the crashing sounds of ocean waves?  Is it hearing nothing at all?  Just the stillness of quiet in this world full of noise and distractions….

Whatever it is, make time to experience it…even if it’s but for a few brief minutes out of your day.   In this world of having everything at your fingertips, it’s only a click away…

It’s vital for your mental & emotional well-being.  You can even create a virtual photo album that contains peaceful, calming images.  On my desk at work, I have pictures of a tranquil waterfall and the beach…every time I glance at them, it reminds me to breathe for a second & put myself into that place.  Allow the feeling to restore you.

It may not seem like much, but the effect over time, will grow and keep you just a bit more centered.  Share with me what your serene images are