
We all have them…those little backslides where we fall out of a newly-formed habit.  We want to improve our lives, so we set an intention, but have trouble following through.

What to do when this happens…hmmm…we could go full force and just say ‘the hell with it,’ OR we can motor on, brush ourselves off, and forge ahead.

What’s the alternative?  Giving up & being miserable?  Feeling like you failed yet again?  I say NO…I say JUMP!


Get back on the horse, or the bike, or the trolley…you have another moment — and then another — to take control.  Show it who’s boss!  It’s your life, and you’re going to do it!

It’s all about the mindset, and if you shift it ever so slightly, you’ll find that you’re stronger than you thought.  You can emerge the victor in your own story…I’ll be waiting for you on the other side

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