Beauty Mark……

Where do you find beauty in the world?  Is it watching nature?  Witnessing your fellow man do kind things?


There’s much beauty in the world – if we but open our eyes to view it.  That lone dandelion in your garden is also a flower, if you can see it as something other than a ‘weed.’

Simple things we take for granted, like the sound of a bird chirping, the actual sound of silence, an owl hooting in the distance.  It’s everywhere, but most of the time, we just register it as mundane…or worse, don’t register it at all.

If we open our senses, we’ll realize beauty surrounds us…in the form of smell, taste, sound…all of our senses.

I invite you to expand your experience to include all of this and see how much better your world becomes.  It’s no longer so narrow, but vast in its pleasures…be they simple or profound.

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