Breaking the Chains that Bind You…….

Are you chained by burdens of obligation?  Feeling weighed down by family, friends, work, or some other requirement that leaves your shoulders heavy?

I’ve done something drastic, which I don’t recommend unless you’ve put serious thought into it…I had to break away from a toxic relationship.  It happened out of nowhere, when years of  pent-up rage & wounds bubbled up to the surface and refused to quell anymore.  In a moment of weakness (or perhaps untapped strength), it all came tumbling out.

Not exactly the way to do so, or how I would have planned it, but it happened…as a result, we’re no longer speaking.  Oddly enough, immediately after the incident, I remember telling my husband how utterly relieved I felt!  My shoulders were lighter, my soul was free.

As days passed, naturally the old guilt came back…did I do the right thing?  Should I apologize?  For me, there’s no going back.  Not for now.  At some point, there comes a time when it’s kinder to yourself to push away toxicity & no longer allow it.

When you’re on a journey, as I am, for personal growth & peace, it doesn’t help to have non-supportive people around.  They can only drag you down into the mud, and once you’re finished with the mud wrestling, it no longer serves you to jump back in.

This doesn’t mean I don’t long for the relationship to have improved, but if other people aren’t even open to serious discussion, you might as well be talking to a cactus.  So I must accept this & do some soul searching.  I’m trying…one day at a time, I focus on the betterment of myself.  I can lean on those who do support me, and I’m grateful for that.

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