(Dis)enchanted Forest….

Self-improvement journeys are not for the faint of heart.  It takes courage, persistence, and determination to work through.  Sometimes that forest can be so full of thick trees & dense fog before the thinnest of mist rises to show us any progress.

At times, we’re ready to throw up our hands in defeat, but that will only accomplish further dissatisfaction.  At least it does for me.  When I find myself losing faith, it dawns on me – would I rather lose my struggle for further development?  Or forge ahead & work through the issues, knowing there is a horizon in the distance?  Once you’re fully awakened to the stark difference of finding clarity and peace, why would you want to remain in the murky depths of old habits that keep you on that hamster wheel of pain and resentment?

Each moment, and each day, gives us a choice.  Remain in the dark?  Where ignorance is NOT bliss, because our true selves know we’re only burying things that should be brought to light…or move toward recovery and a brighter side of the future?

It’s easy to stay in that ‘comfortable zone,’ where we’ve lived most of our lives.  Even though it’s painful, it’s a familiar pain that we’re used to.  The bravest step to take is to start small…try conquering one area of your life.  For me, it’s peace right now.  If you’ve read my previous posts, you know I’m dealing with the breakdown of a long-standing relationship that moved to toxic levels.  By finding my writing again, it provides a creative outlet.  By sharing, I hope it can help others in the process.


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