Ego Boost…….

The ego is a dangerous thing.  It’s that part of our mind we listen to about 95% of the time.  It makes most of our decisions, and it loves that we create ‘noise’ in our lives…distractions such as TV, radio, social media…anything to disconnect us from our heart, because that’s where the real magic lies.

If you take five minutes out of your day to just close your eyes & drown out the ‘noise’ of internal & external dialogue…you’ll connect with your heart.

It doesn’t mean you have to meditate, if that’s not your thing – just sit quietly and take a few breaths.  The noise will fade, and peace will emerge.  Gently ask yourself what you want…the ego will tell you all you should be, do, or have…you should be richer, you should stay in this job you hate…you should do what everyone else thinks you should.  Give the ego the boot!

Take the reins for a few minutes and really check in.  Is there something you’ve always wanted to do?  But you didn’t do it because of some self-sabotaging thought from your ego?

The heart will open up space for you to re-think…’hey it would feel nice if I got that new dress’ or ‘how great would it be to make new memories by visiting that distant land I’ve always wanted to see?”   Open up your world by opening up your heart

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