Fight Club

Are you ready to rumble?  Ready to toil away in that muck & mire called family drama?  We all have some form of it.  We all look for ways to deal with it.

What’s your method?  Do you go to your corner & call a time out?  Thereby avoiding it altogether?  Or do you glove up & charge in for a few rounds?

I grew up being used to drama & chaos.  Unfortunately, that lead me to relationship sabotage, where I sought drama in my life.  Because I was so used to it, I didn’t feel alive without fighting.

I finally found a man that ‘tamed’ me to a degree.  He didn’t run from a fight or from my drama.  He nurtured me like a baby seedling, enabling me to grow and flourish.

Unfortunately, he still had to deal with my family…where drama continues to swirl.  Most recently, I’ve had to step out of that drama, thereby removing my gloves and heading toward my corner.

It’s safe in my corner… I know it’s a drastic move to take, but fully necessary for my own sanity.  I have too much work to do on myself to be taking on extra burdens.  I’ve carried them for far too long.

This is my choice, and it’s a difficult one, but something I need to do.  At some point in life, you look at what you’d like the rest of it to be, and for now, I’m choosing peace.


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