Follow Me……

She’s alone on the beach … she comes here each day, just after sunrise while it’s still deserted.  No distractions…just the gentle sound of the surf…watching a lone seagull get its feet wet as the tide rolls in.  She smiles as he skitters through the damp sand.  Ahhh…to be a bird that can fly high above and feel the wind under its wings…how free.

Can she do the same?  Can she fly above the fray and leave all the fractures behind?  So much pain, sadness, and loss for things she longed for that will never be….

She could walk away from it all and head toward the sunshine…it’s much more inviting and nurturing…people are there that love & support her…people she loves in return.  Perhaps they can be her salvation in this new journey…

She stands, brushes the sand from her dress, and smiles.  She follows the bird, still waddling…he spies her from the corner of his eye and almost gives her a nod as if to say, “Follow me”….He’s going to take her to a safe place to land…..

                …… to be continued


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