Green with Envy

Does jealousy rear its ugly head in your world?  Do you envy others?  Do you often think the ‘grass is greener’ somewhere else?

It’s common and understandable, but in actuality, the grass is never greener.  Someone has that fancy car you covet, or their house is bigger than yours, or someone else is always going on extravagant vacations…

We never know what’s behind the curtain…they could be up to their eyes in debt, or their spouse is a real jerk when nobody else is around.

We all have issues.  There’s no better example than the rash of celebrities who’ve committed suicide.  It’s no joke…it proves we are all human.  We have demons, no matter how much money we may have or what kind of car we drive.

The outer shell may look shiny, but the inside could be as withered as a week-old rose.  Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we need to peer into our own lives & be grateful for what we do have.  The more we can do that, the more it will generate good things to be grateful for. 


I’ve been working hard on this one myself.  Every time I see something that makes me feel good, I say “thank you” aloud.  Whether it’s the beauty of watching a squirrel hanging off my ‘squirrel-proof’ bird feeder, or acknowledging that I’m still breathing with life, I say ‘thank you.’ 

Start with the simple things, and you’ll find more & more…it will open up your world to new possibilities, and that jealousy monster will fade to black….


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