Growth Opportunity

Every minute gives us an opportunity for growth…every decision, big or small, can bring us closer to the life we want to lead.  Do we want to remain small or spread our wings and expand?

Make a mistake?  Learn from it and move on.  There’s no reason to continue patterns that don’t serve us.  If it doesn’t enhance your life, simply dust it off and go forward.

It’s when we choose to stay stuck in our issues & plights that we’re doomed to continue there – wading around in quicksand, hoping someone will rescue us.

The big news is this…no one can rescue us from ourselves.  Our minds need to be reset and rewired.  If we want to change, grow, and flourish, we must reach deep into that well and muster the courage to say we will no longer tolerate it.

Today, do something to step out of your comfort zone & circular patterns.  The tiniest of steps can bring about the greatest results.

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