I Saw Myself….


I saw myself the other day on my commute home from work.  The driver in front of me seemed very impatient, riding the bumper of the car ahead of him.  When space allowed, he gunned it, passing on a double line.  Deja vu! 

That was me…it used to be me.  It made me stop & think – I’ve improved my life by becoming a more patient driver (most of the time).  I’m no longer in a hurry to get home…instead enjoying the fact that I’m heading toward home – my sanctuary.

Life’s too important to waste driving recklessly in order to arrive home two minutes sooner.

I think it’s a combination of age and self-reflection.  Saturating myself with motivational audiobooks every day can certainly make a dent in your psyche…if you allow it.  And why wouldn’t you, after all?  Trade anxiety for some peace of mind.  I call that progress.

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