JOY Ride….

Just Observing You …JOY

Take a “ride” each day and Just Observe You...what makes you smile, what makes you laugh, what touches your heart?

It’s important to find joy, because it can balance an otherwise overloaded life.   We get so busy, distracted, focused on work,  spending time on social media, or any number of things, that we can forget the joy.

pure joy

It’s too easy to get bogged down in what goes wrong and not spend enough time on the good.  Acknowledging this helps lighten our heart and goes back to something I stress often – being grateful for the little things.

I bet on your way to work or the grocery store, you could spot several things that fill you with a sense of awe.  The trees blossoming (or falling leaves) during the change of another season…the passing car with a driver singing at the top of their lungs…your child who utters a comical observation…these all have the capacity to bring us joy if we let them.

The more we can do this observing, the more contented we’ll be…and that makes for a wonderful life.






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