Law of Attraction Faction….

It’s all around us.  Have you ever noticed that when things go bad, they go REALLY bad?   It’s all about energy…you get back what you put out.  Law of Attraction is that simple.  Our thoughts are everything.

Once you realize this, the world opens up to you in amazing ways.   Gratitude is key…the more you focus on things you’re grateful for, the universe will bring you more things to be grateful for.  I made a video on my Facebook page where I gave an example of how this worked for me when I discovered this.  It takes work in the beginning…to constantly look for such things, especially if you’re going through a rough patch.

There are always ways to show gratitude…simple ones…the fresh smell of my husband’s t-shirts every time I take them out of the dryer…the chipmunks that come onto my deck to eat birdseed…that $10 bill I find in a pocket…a smile from a stranger…not catching every light on my commute home from work..the list can go on and on & continue to grow.

Every day allows you to play a game with yourself to see if you can surpass the previous day’s count…I have a Gratitude App, where I note down every single thing that makes me smile or feel good…each day builds on the next, and before you know it, the energy you’re sending out into the universe will come back to you twofold.

When you focus on the bad, that also continues to snowball, resulting in negative energy out in the universe, so it brings you more of what the universe thinks you want.

Knowing this, why wouldn’t you want to try it?  Give it a try for several days & see if you notice a difference in how your life unfolds.  Let me know…

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