Life Support……..

Do you have someone who supports your every mood, emotion, and direction in life?  Cling to them like saran wrap!  They are your lifeline – by your side no matter what, and hard to come by.

If you’re lucky enough to have this, it’s a huge bonus in life, and important to your personal growth.  Not that we should rely on others to make us feel good, but it certainly helps.

To have the freedom to be your true self & still be loved and accepted (flaws and all!) is a wonderful way to live.  Whether it’s a spouse, sibling, friend – cherish that relationship.  Nurture it with care.

Even if it’s a friend on Facebook that you’ve never met in person, these can be strong bonds as well.  If you’re having a rough time, it’s crucial that you REACH OUT.  A shoulder to lean on can be a huge comfort.  Let it guide you through a stormy sea of turbulence.

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