Menopause Clause

What contract clause did I miss?  I was under the impression that menopause ‘could’ last up to 10 years…which is bad enough, believe me.  As my mother did, I also started young, around 43 years old…so I technically have one year left on this 10-year clause.

Oh, but wait…now I’m told this could LAST FOREVER.  Say what?  Sorry, what was that?!  It took a good two years just to regulate my body to a ‘somewhat acceptable’ temperature, through the tweaking of different medications…and yet….I’m still living in puddles of sweat day in and day out…

So who do I see about changing this clause?  I must have signed it under duress. Surely no sane person would sign such a document…sure it’s great that I don’t have menstrual cycles every month anymore…but was that the tradeoff?  If so, I’ll gladly go back to that…’No’ you say?

Hmmm…is there any other thing I can trade?  Let me speak to the manager.  Crickets.  Oh, so there’s no manager.  OK.  Perhaps a new trainee who doesn’t yet know all the rules and they can sneak my name on a list to make all this disappear?   More crickets.

Maybe the crickets are the managers and I just don’t speak their language?  Any crickets out there that can find me a loophole?  I must google this…I’ll get back to you…






One Reply to “Menopause Clause”

  1. Hold your head high. You are beautiful & make your own statement going sleeveless in fall & winter. The sheen adds a sexy flair & mystique! You have and continue to earn this rite of passage – and need not pollute your lovely body with bc pills.

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