Peace Be With You….

What brings you peace?  Is it watching a sunrise?   A sunset?  Hearing gentle waves of a stream or the crashing sounds of ocean waves?  Is it hearing nothing at all?  Just the stillness of quiet in this world full of noise and distractions….

Whatever it is, make time to experience it…even if it’s but for a few brief minutes out of your day.   In this world of having everything at your fingertips, it’s only a click away…

It’s vital for your mental & emotional well-being.  You can even create a virtual photo album that contains peaceful, calming images.  On my desk at work, I have pictures of a tranquil waterfall and the beach…every time I glance at them, it reminds me to breathe for a second & put myself into that place.  Allow the feeling to restore you.

It may not seem like much, but the effect over time, will grow and keep you just a bit more centered.  Share with me what your serene images are




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