Reasonable Doubt

Is it reasonable to doubt you can fly?  Well yes, unless you suddenly sprout wings, but why should you doubt you can soar to new heights if you’re gifted & talented in a certain area?

We all have doubts – it’s part of the human psyche – but we shouldn’t let it hold us back from doing something.  I’ve always felt I was born to write – yet I still harbor doubts and stopped writing for about 4 years.  Did I let it stop me from expressing myself with pen & paper?  No.  The desire to put myself out here has become too strong to ignore.


If you have a talent you’re suppressing out of fear – whether it be fear of rejection, fear of not being good enough, or even an irrational fear of success, please don’t hold it back.

You could be depriving the world of an awesome gift – an opportunity to touch and inspire others.  Even if you don’t share it in public, you could motivate friends & family to tap into their own wealth of capabilities.

So don’t hold back!  Go for it with gusto!  It can be very fulfilling to follow a dream.  If you only touch one person along the way (even if that one person is yourself), the rewards & satisfaction are immeasurable.





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