Research & Development

Research your own development!  Anything that enriches you and helps you grow, put some time into it…whether you want to read up on it, talk to others, do your research.  There are so many choices out there, and only you can decide which method works for you.

scientist microscope

Whether you follow the philosophies of the Law of Attraction (that will be a separate post), Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, Louise Hay, Kyle Cease, Mike Dooley, Marianne Williamson, Joe Vitale, Tony Robbins (the list is endless)…as long as you feel better about yourself & your life, then you’re on your way!

Follow your own path – you’ll know it when you feel it, or you’ll actually FEEL it when you KNOW it.

This doesn’t mean the road ahead is rosy…there will be thorns…hell, I’m still scraping my elbows on them…but I’m motoring through, because the alternative spells another defeat for me, and I won’t admit defeat anymore.  It doesn’t serve me or my peace of mind.

Perhaps you’re like me, and you take nuggets of wisdom from more than one motivational program…as long as you keep going.  There aren’t any hard & fast rules on this stuff, because there’s no cookie-cutter answer.  Just as we are all complex human beings, which make us utterly unique, we may not fit into one mold.

The bottom line is to sojourn on…if you have a bad day, it’s OK, we all do.  Don’t let it turn into a bad day tomorrow, and the next…and the next…until before you know it, you’re off the path & feeling cruddy again.  Believe me, I’ve been there. 

It’s too easy to fall into comfortable, familiar patterns, but if they’re detrimental to your life, who the heck needs them?  Ditch it to the curb where it belongs.

I’ve found for myself that I need to constantly surround myself with motivational/inspirational things to stay on track…that means listening to audiobooks every day, podcasts, participating in groups I’ve joined that have the same goals, etc. thereby flooding my senses with positivity & reinforcement.

Find what works for you & stick with it.  A month from now, let me know how you’re doing



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