Need help?  Look no further than your mirror.

Sooo…I’ve been trying desperately to help myself by investing time, money, and focusing on all things ‘self-help & self-improvement.’  Does it work?

Yes, but it’s a constant battle.  I listen to audiobooks, I’ve started to meditate (that’s another blurb all on its own), and still I struggle at times.  One of the biggest suggestions is to find gratitude for everything…and it does work…it helps your mind focus on what’s good all around you…even the little things we take notice of…a butterfly, that smile from a stranger as you pass each other in the grocery store, the fact that you’re BREATHING.

The thing is…unless you consistently remain cognizant of it, you can slip back very easily into those bad habits of low self-esteem, the ‘woe is me’ attitude, and all the rest.  It helps to have a group of supportive people and surround yourself with them…they will lift you up to your higher self…that place we’d all like to live…where the sky is brighter and the birds sing just for us.

In a future blog, I will expand on this and tell you all of the different methods I’m employing and suggestions for what helps me and might help you…are you game?    Give us a shout-out to what’s helped you.

I’m new to this format, so I think you would click on the title of this blog (Self Help Me), and it will enable you to leave a comment…

2 Replies to “SELF HELP ME”

  1. Hi Sis! I enjoyed reading all of your topics! Menapause is heading my way sometime…I still get my full week period every month. It’s always been heavy. I will try some of your ideas for meditation. I’m basically a happy go lucky type person, usually like people too. But, I’m recently getting annoyed by ignorance and general rude non caring self centered people. I’m usually equipped to work through things and leave those people behind unscathed. But not for these past two weeks. Just makes me angry. Enough about that I also enjoyed reading about the critters, I love them too.

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