“Serenity Now!”

I’ve reached a time in my life where I crave peace & serenity…I savor it when it washes over me…the silence & stillness of nature as I leave my house for work.  The rare time when there are no passing cars and all I can hear are birds chirping.

I’m not sure if it’s my age or just maturity & self-awareness, but it’s become very important to me, and I cherish it when it visits.  That one hour at lunchtime serves to replenish me and decompress.  I can close my eyes and hear the distant sounds of highway traffic nearby…they mesh into a fine white background noise.

I usually always listen to an audiobook that nurtures my soul…exclusively self-help books that soothe me as well as motivate me to maintain a modicum of peace and sanity.  Hang onto these moments, for it’s what life is all about…keeping your balance, your sense of self, your peace.

It’s all about peace for me…tranquility…solace…being alone with my thoughts, allowing them to bloom with possibility…

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