Struggling Artist….

OK maybe I’m not an artist…though writing is a form of art, isn’t it?  And yes, I’m struggling!  But it’s a good struggle…an acceptable struggle.  We all have issues to work through, and I’m no exception.  Not many people  know this, but the infamous Leonardo DaVinci was a great starter, but not a good finisher…much like me.  In fact, he never really finished his notorious Mona Lisa painting.

Now you might wonder why I’m comparing myself to such a genius…because I’m an awesome starter!  I can get something in my head and, with laser beam focus, throw myself into the project…be it writing or teaching myself Spanish…and yet…

I never fully finish.

I wrote a mystery novel about 5 years ago, pouring my heart & soul into it.  Sent it off to an editor, and $1500 later, I got it back…did I attempt to implement any of the changes?  Nope…I gave up, because it was just too much work.

So here I am, suddenly hit with a new wave of inspiration to write…mainly sparked by the fact that I want to improve myself.  I’ve been on a quest to discover myself, and by peeling back each layer, I’m finding out more…realizing that the writer is still here, insisting on making her comeback!

Perhaps you are struggling with something as well…my advice is this…we’re in the best environment to share our trials & tribulations because we all have the capacity to reach out there on any form of social media and find a network of support.  We no longer have to live in the shadows…take a step forward…and feel that first ray of sun hit your face…there are others just waiting to take your hand and stand beside you…put on your shades and join us

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