The Collector……

I love collecting quotes.  They serve as subtle reminders when we need a little nudge.  They can inspire us if we’re having a ho-hum day.  They can lift our spirits if we need a lift.  They can even make us laugh.

This is why I share them.  Once in a while, it’s nice to come across something positive in your day.  Our social media feeds (and tv) are so filled with sadness & hostility that it’s nice to come across just one sentence that may brighten your day.

As I’ve said before, the more we can focus on positive things, the more of them we’ll continue to see.  Why flood your brain with negativity when the best thing for your well being is the very opposite?

Remember, our thoughts reflect our life, so allow some sunshine to brighten the darkness.

We need a balance, or our minds go into overdrive & overwhelm.  It’s been said (and suggested) that if you avoid the news for several days, you’ll notice a shift.  You’re less stressed and much happier.

Some may think it’s like putting our heads in the sand, but your first obligation should always be to yourself & your mental well-being.  If you don’t nourish your soul, you won’t be of much help to others.

I’ll end with another quote… Take care of the little things, and the big things will take care of themselves.



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