The Comfort Zone

Ahhh it’s so cozy here…familiar…safe.  Not taking chances has its benefits…no surprises…but the downside is the lack of growth as a result.  You won’t  experience the exhilaration that takes over once you’ve done something you’ve never tried before.

For years, I lived in the safety of the shadows.  I decided to teach myself how to speak Spanish.   I got to a point where I could understand it, read it, write it, but to speak it with someone filled me with fright…what if I made a mistake? I joined an online conversation exchange that put me in touch with native speakers who could help me via skype…I froze in place  It took me a while to just jump & do it… once I did, I felt at ease.  The more I did it, the more comfortable I felt, and my new friends were totally understanding and helpful!

What would happen if you dipped your toe into the unknown?

You’d feel a huge sense of accomplishment!   I did the same thing with making little videos of myself for my Facebook page.   I’m overweight, so that’s always held me back…people will judge me…they’ll make fun of me…they’ll reject me…

Guess what?  I made the leap and started posting my videos.  Those that won’t like me will just move along..but those that find it enjoyable and maybe learn from my advice, make it worth that leap.  At this point in my life, I no longer care what others think.  I’m on my own self-discovery journey trying to help others along the way by sharing.

So, those that are with me along this path, I thank you.  And I encourage you to take one tiny step out of your comfort zone and then share your story with me..I’d love to hear it.



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