The Dark Side….

I’m quick to anger.  I lack patience.  There’s my dark side.  I’ve gotten better with driving – not getting so worked up if someone goes too slow or cuts me off.  We all have a dark side, and we should all work on it for our own well-being as well as those around us.

The only way to bring them out into the light is to acknowledge them.  Once you’re more self-aware, you can catch yourself when that side wants to burst out.

Full disclosure…I haven’t quite mastered this skill.  I can get annoyed if I drop a pen.  It could be pent-up rage from childhood coming out, I don’t know.  I’ve been in therapy for years, and I’ve improved many things in my life, but I can’t shake this one.

What are YOUR methods of conquering your demons?  I wonder if going into a room by myself & screaming into a pillow might help…..

Stay tuned

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