The Good Guy

It’s time to give serious props to my husband.  He’d say he’s not perfect, but he’s perfect for me.  I may not be rich, but I hit the lottery when I found him.  He was a safe place to land in my world of chaos.  And this is the most important part…he gives me what I never got growing up…unconditional love.

I was lucky enough to have a dog growing up, and she gave me unconditional love, but that will be a separate post.  This is about the man who came into my life and rescued me.  I can be my worst or best self with him, because he allows me to be.

I’m moody, selfish, introverted…basically everything he’s not!  I marvel at how he’s able to be blunt and tell people how it is, yet still be likeable!  I spent my life worrying about what people would think of me, how they judge me, am I too fat?

Of course, age has mellowed me a bit…which may be what happens as we grow older.  We care less about what people think and more about how we want the rest of our life to be.  We cut the fat from our lives & concentrate more on the filet mignon…those worthy of our friendship, trust, and love.

Consider this…would you rather wallow around in the neck-deep quicksand of trying to impress those that would push you down even further?  Or focus on those holding their hand out to pull you up?

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