The Gooey Center

The best part of any treat is the gooey center…that holds true for YOU as well.  But we don’t always show the world that part of us…why?  Most of us are afraid of being vulnerable.

I’m here to tell you that these days, more and more folks are very accepting of authenticity and being genuine.   I’d much rather follow someone who’s real than someone who dons a mask of false promises while not living by their own teachings.

People have flaws and weaknesses.  Would you prefer to know a person who keeps it real?  Stumbles & recovers?  Or a person who claims they have it all together and never makes a mistake?  That’s someone I can’t relate to.

Along my journey of self-reflection & searching for people I can believe in, I find myself more drawn to those I connect with on a human level.  They’re not gods and don’t pretend to be my salvation.  They work from a place of wanting to help others as they help themselves in their own quest.

I’ve discovered MANY self-help personalities that have assisted me in doing the work on myself.  They are all great teachers, but the one who most exemplifies ‘reality’ to me right now is Kyle Cease.

I found him less than two months ago, yet he’s transformed my life (along with many others).  He speaks from his heart and stays closely connected to his community.  And that community is overflowing with love for all that belong!  Rich, poor, fat, skinny, it doesn’t matter, because they see past that and accept you for your soul.

It has helped bring me out of my shell and out into the world on another level.  NEVER BEFORE would I EVER have dared to put myself out there – ON VIDEO – for all to see – if it weren’t for him.  Yet, his community gave me the courage to do just that.

This transformation has increased my creativity and writing and made me want to reach out and (hopefully) touch others.  If you’re on a personal expedition, like me, then I highly recommend following him.  Start by watching his videos & you’ll see what I mean.  If you go to his website at and hit the Videos tab, you can get to know him.  No, he hasn’t paid me to do this!  He doesn’t have to…I just feel the urge to pass along this great opportunity for you to meet someone who wants to change the world by helping us all find the very BEST in ourselves.




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