The Power of Now It Begins…

“The Power of Now” … A common phrase these days.  It’s profound in its simplicity.  The only true ‘present’ is NOW.   There’s no true past or future.  The moment is now. 

Check your breathing…this sounds ridiculous, but are you breathing?  In the few seconds it took you to ‘check,’ you were effectively meditating.  Your thoughts stopped for a brief moment, and you were In The Now. 

It’s all you have…it’s all we have.  And the more you can stay in the Now, the better you’ll feel.    Lots of folks picture meditation as some strange person sitting with their legs crossed and hands joined in front of them, wearing flowy robes…not so anymore. 

If you can check in on your breathing throughout the day, it will bring you to a higher plane — your ‘higher self,’ if you will.  Your mind feels clearer, and your body is energized & engaged.  It’s a benefit not only to your soul, but your overall health….the mind-body connection.

Try it!  Let me know!



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