Ties Cut

I cut myself off
From father & mother
Where does that leave
My poor baby brother?

He’s now in the middle –
A bad place to be
I was once there –
And it was on me

Things are complex
Not so cut and dry
Do I reach out again?
Do I give it a try?

It affects my family
So how do they cope
When there is no light
And there is no hope

Mom never changes,
She’s always right
Which makes me angry
My response is to fight

No giving in
I know I’m not wrong
I’m no longer a child
I must now be strong

But where does this get me?
It’s all ego & pain
I’m starting to buckle
From all of the strain

I made my choice
It’s over and done
We all really lose –
Nobody has won

I must move forward –
My journey is clear
Peace will move in
I feel it is near

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