“Unnecessary Roughness”

Animal cruelty…UNACCEPTABLE.  Full stop…I typically try to avoid this subject, because of the deep-seated anger it makes me feel.  I can’t even watch that commercial where they play Sarah McLachlan’s song.

I’ve had dogs all my life, and there is NO greater love that you can experience.  Unconditional…end of story!   Being at the door whenever you come home, so excited to greet you…even if you’ve only been gone for a minute.

Growing up, my little dog, Shanna, got me through a lot of turmoil.  She was my best friend — letting my wet tears sink into her fur after another unsettling encounter with a parent…listening to me and my woes.  I’m forever thankful I had her in my life to get me through.

We need stricter laws in this country.  It’s not enough to get a slap on the wrist and pay a fine.  It’s not enough to do community service.   These animals are as helpless as children, so the punishment should fit this crime. 

It seems that other countries have gotten ‘with it,’ and tightened their laws to include up to 3 years in prison (see link below).  We need to enforce this HERE.  We’re supposed to be the best country in the world, yet we treat our animals as possessions, which isn’t nearly enough.  It’s time to band together and be the voice for the voiceless!



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