What Are You Waiting For……?

Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn or do? Go hiking in the Swiss Alps…write a book…learn another language? What’s holding you back? What excuses do you give to NOT do it?

How about deciding that you’ll take one tiny step toward that dream? Download a free app to learn French…write a few paragraphs or outline for a book…stash away $20 in a Swiss Alps jar. Once you take that little step, it tells your mind you’re open to the possibility, and you gain momentum.

That’s how I taught myself Spanish. I bought books & started practicing, then it moved onto apps that reinforced the learning, then I started watching telenovelas without subtitles. At first, I was a bit lost, only understanding about every fifth word…but one day I realized I was actually following the storylines. That fed the desire to learn more & more. Before I knew it, I was spending free time on weekends just to watch them for a few hours. I got such satisfaction and enjoyment out of knowing I understood the words.

It was the same with writing again. I haven’t written in four years, but once I placed a thought in my head that I felt inspired to return to it, the ideas for blogs began flowing like a river. You can do this too. If you have the desire, you also have the ability to move one foot forward toward your goal. Take a tiny step and watch the results.

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