What Does “Home” Mean to YOU?


My home is my haven, my sanctuary from the crazy outside world.  It comforts me.  It enriches me.  It nourishes my soul.  This is how it should be.   I breathe a sigh of relief once I enter my driveway….ahhhh…home sweet home.  There are so many things that can’t touch me now.  I’m safe…I’m whole again.

It’s all about re-charging the mental & emotional batteries.  Letting our guard down…being ourselves.

If home is not your retreat, you must do your best to make it so.  Spruce it up with things that please you, whether it’s placing candles everywhere or surrounding yourself with loving pets.   It’s meant to be a place of total contentment.

We all need a place to seek solace from the harsh realities of the world.  Let your home be one of them.



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